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The carbon fiber spudger is made of Fixite, a nylon reinforced with our own blend of carbon and glass fibers.
It's twice as beefy as our standard spudger while still maintaining the 5-inch long silhouette you all know and love. When tested bending for 2cm deflection, the carbon fiber spudger required double the force of our standard spudger. It won't bounce as much when you pry on a cable or clip, and you can exert more force on delicate components with less effort.
Thanks to Fixite, your tool is made to last, because the edges remain sharp for a long time. Lift and examine to your heart's content with the wondrous power of science.
EUR 29.95
EUR 3.94
EUR 20.45
EUR 19.65
EUR 59.00
EUR 33.75
EUR 34.00
EUR 28.50
EUR 140.00
EUR 44.25
EUR 21.95
EUR 4.50
EUR 4.95
EUR 1.59
EUR 4.76
EUR 5.95
EUR 7.95
EUR 33.95
EUR 0.70
EUR 51.79
EUR 19.51
EUR 13.95
EUR 3.94
EUR 34.90
EUR 4.95
EUR 17.70
EUR 29.25
EUR 34.94
EUR 13.99
EUR 4.99
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