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Spatula (Spudger): the spatula allows you to lever effortlessly and thus open the toughest cases without scratching them. Its pointed end allows access to the depths of electronic devices.
Halberd Spudger: The Halberd Spatula has a wide, very flat plastic edge for larger connectors. And with its hook, you can move fragile cables aside.
iFixit Opening Tool: Our versatile opening, prying and lifting tool. With a particularly non-slip handle
Plastic cards: to avoid digging through your wallet looking for an old, expired card. With a very wide edge for more pressure.
Picks: Useful for any glued or clipped device to keep loose edges open.
EUR 29.95
EUR 3.94
EUR 20.45
EUR 19.65
EUR 59.00
EUR 33.75
EUR 34.00
EUR 28.50
EUR 140.00
EUR 44.25
EUR 21.95
EUR 4.50
EUR 4.95
EUR 1.59
EUR 4.76
EUR 5.95
EUR 7.95
EUR 33.95
EUR 0.70
EUR 51.79
EUR 19.51
EUR 13.95
EUR 3.94
EUR 34.90
EUR 4.95
EUR 17.70
EUR 29.25
EUR 34.94
EUR 4.95
EUR 4.99
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