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The design of this espresso pot was repeatedly improved over the years to make it a more ergonomic and elegant device. Simultaneously the functional features that contribute to the espresso pot's simplicity were kept: the collecting chamber, aluminium boiler and the unique, easy-to-control and easy-to-clean valve.
Fill the pot up to the safety valve; in order to avoid your coffee getting too watery, don't exceed the maximum filling level. Choose your desired coffee blend; it has to be ground especially for moka machines and must not be too fine. Fill the funnel generously with coffee without pressing it down. For even better coffee heat it up at low heat - it's worth waiting a few minutes more. When the espresso has risen to the collection chamber turn off the heat. Now you can enjoy fresh and aromatic espresso.
EUR 29.95
EUR 41.50
EUR 32.95
EUR 38.95
EUR 39.00
EUR 54.95
EUR 49.01
EUR 42.00
EUR 45.00
EUR 49.01
EUR 119.00
EUR 49.01
EUR 45.00
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