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Discover the benefits of OLED with our 0.96-inch I2C display. With a crisp 128x64 resolution and an impressive viewing angle of over 160°, this display is ideal for a variety of projects. Plus, you'll enjoy low power consumption and crisp, vivid images. The display is equipped with the SSD1306 driver and is compatible with the U8glib library, making it easy to integrate. Its blue color, combined with an operating voltage of 3.3 V and 5 V, makes this product suitable for both beginners and experienced technicians.
+ Low consumption: OLED displays are known for their low power consumption, which means they can run longer on a single power source or battery.
+ Sharp Images: With its high contrast and sharp images, users can read information more easily and quickly, even from a distance.
+ Wide Viewing Angle: With a viewing angle of over 160°, users can see the screen clearly from almost any angle.
EUR 24.90
EUR 21.95
EUR 89.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 19.90
EUR 39.91
EUR 29.90
EUR 9.90
EUR 22.95
EUR 24.90
EUR 24.90
EUR 14.90
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 11.89
EUR 24.95
EUR 8.95
EUR 5.95
EUR 9.95
EUR 5.95
EUR 6.90
EUR 8.95
EUR 29.95
EUR 24.95
EUR 390.31
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