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4-digit seven-segment display with TM1637 driver, ideal for clocks, timers and counters, easy assembly
Integrate a bright and efficient seven-segment 4-digit display into your projects. This display, powered by the TM1637 driver, is ideal for creating clocks, timers and counters. With only 2 pins to communicate with your microcontroller, it's a space-saving solution. Additionally, the 4 M2 mounting holes make installation easier. The red LED is notable and the double dot in the center provides additional functionality for time and counting applications.
+ Versatile use: Suitable for clocks, timers and counters thanks to the seven-segment display.
+ Clear, Crisp Display: The red LED provides bright, clear digital output, essential for projects where visibility and clarity are crucial.
+ Easy to install: The 4 M2 mounting holes make mounting the display in projects simple and efficient.
EUR 24.90
EUR 21.95
EUR 89.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 19.90
EUR 39.91
EUR 29.90
EUR 9.90
EUR 22.95
EUR 24.90
EUR 24.90
EUR 14.90
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 49.95
EUR 11.89
EUR 24.95
EUR 8.95
EUR 15.95
EUR 9.95
EUR 5.95
EUR 6.90
EUR 8.95
EUR 29.95
EUR 24.95
EUR 390.31
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